We have been in business for over 35 years providing service to solar pool heating systems for residential and commercial projects throughout Arizona and Nevada.

Solar Pool Doctor illustration- doctor in front of pool
Solar Pool Doctor installers illustration

Does your solar pool heating system need service?

A solar pool heating system can be the most important addition to a swimming pool as well as an investment in the home. If you own a solar pool heating system, and it needs any type of service, we can help!

We service all brands!

We have experience with all brands and types of solar pool heating systems. If you live in Arizona or Nevada, we can provide checkups, maintenance, and repair.

Sunsplash solar pool heating panel on roof
Sunsplash solar pool heating panel on roof Sunsplash solar pool heating panel on roof Sunsplash solar pool heating panel on roof Sunsplash solar pool heating panel on roof Sunsplash solar pool heating panel on roof Sunsplash solar pool heating panel on roof Sunsplash solar pool heating panel on roof Sunsplash solar pool heating panel on roof
Service guy

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